58 year old Boosted “T”, burned belly fat, and feels years younger

with a “ripped grandpa” home workout…1

Dear Reader,

These surprising home workouts used by one 58-year old “ripped grandpa”— and thousands of other men — can build muscle, burn fat and get you in shape at any age… 2

So if you believe you’re past your prime…

Your best days are behind you… or feel trapped in a body you don’t recognize— read every word on this page.

Because this convenient routine is so effective…

Men are reclaiming what they have lost from years ago...

And it has nothing to do with starving yourself, marathon-long cardio workouts, or lifting heavy weights like those muscle-bound bodybuilders at the gym…

It’s much easier…safer… far more gentle… and uses age to your advantage. See…

The trick for guys like you and I…

We need to train smarter, not harder. And in a second I’ll show you how…

So if you refuse to wind down with age…

And you want to transform your body to give you a physical and mental edge at any age… keep reading.


  • You haven’t exercised a day in your life…
  • Your joints feel like rust in the morning…
  • You have 20+ pounds to lose…
  • You’re busy and have little free time…
  • You believe you’re “too far gone” to see results…
  • You don’t have a lot of willpower…

This NEW exercise method can work for you. But first…


Hi—I’m Mark Mcilyar…

I’ve been featured on several popular men’s health websites and television broadcasts as a fitness expert for guys over 40.


See, most guys think it’s normal to take your foot off the gas with age…

Feel sluggish, weak, suffer from constant aches and pains, or have to rely on pills to perform in bed…

And it’s not your fault you didn’t know this…

Big pharma companies trick you into believing after a certain age you need their injections or pills to feel like a real man…

That’s a big fat lie.

To make matters worse… a lot of well-intentioned men who try to get in shape on their own… or hire young personal trainers for help… wind-up doing more harm than good.

The truth is…

Most traditional workouts are NOT built for guys our age.


More on that in a minute…

First— here’s a little backstory...

See, I wasn’t always the “ripped grandpa” people call me now…

At the time I was working as an engineer. I got so wrapped up in work… and kept taking on more and more responsibility from my boss… I had less time than ever to exercise…

I got to a place where I put my body on the backburner (maybe you’ve been there)… and some weeks I’d hardly exercise at all.

So I started losing muscle, getting fluffy around my waist and my energy tanked…

And realized my body wasn’t looking or performing like it used to…

At first i chalked it up to “getting older.”

And when I started “slowing down” like everyone else, things only got worse…

My body started aching.

One day I’d wake up with elbow pain… the next day an annoying crick in my neck that wouldn’t go away.

Muscle started getting softer faster than ever.

… and my work shirts were fitting tighter on my belly but loose around my arms. Plus, my chest started getting weak and flabby.

I’ve always been a happy-go-lucky guy, but after that, I got depressed…

My confidence around women dropped, my self-esteem was at an all-time low and my performance suffered…

I hardly felt like me anymore.

One day I remember thinking…

Am i really gonna spend my years tired,
out of breath and in pain?

That’s when my personal breakthrough began and eventually led to this powerful solution for guys our age…

It’s the same one that helped me get my body, energy and life back… so I’m eager to share it…

But I have to warn you…

It won’t look or sound like other workout programs you’ve tried before…

And a lot of this information will be brand new to you. Starting with…

3 ways typical gym workouts can accelerate aging, damage joints, and make you less manly!


Did you know that spending hours in the gym increases cortisol levels? 4

Cortisol lowers your T-levels… and forces you to put on fat5

And when you have excess fat…

It releases a chemical called aromatase that turns “T” into estrogen.6

What’s even worse is this estrogen then causes you to store EVEN MORE body fat— especially around the belly, love handles, and chest.7

It’s a vicious cycle guys our age can avoid when we decide to do things different…

Metabolic Strength Conditioning

Metabolic Strength Conditioning is a breakthrough for guys our age that keeps cortisol and estrogen away… 8

…and target stubborn fat. 9

Plus it can boost T levels... 10

And since T is your body’s primary body sculpting powerhouse… 11

… the higher it is, the faster results can be achieved. 12

It also helps fight fatigue so you can begin to feel like the energizer bunny— so yea, it’s important. 13

And I’ve created an entire system just for you using a powerful technique called Metabolic Strength Conditioning to help maximize muscle building and burning fat from home.


If you’re trying to burn fat, you should NEVER do normal workouts like running on a treadmill… 14

Repeating the same movements over and over grinds your bones, joints and tendons raw… 15

… causing painful inflammation that hurts just to walk or even while you’re sitting. 16

This type of exercise eats away at your muscle mass too… 17

That’s why if you ever watch the Olympics, you’ll notice marathon runners have little muscle…

And those guys are in their 20s!

So imagine how much worse this kind of exercise is for you.

Functional cardio and abs

Exercise that puts little strain on your joints and tendons is ideal…

It helps keep the body from painful inflammation while improving blood flow, gaining more energy and getting rid of the belly...


Short, Functional Cardio and Abs routines…

Do this two days per week you’ll not only help improve heart health… 18

But ramp-up metabolism and tone the core… 19

Plus, it’s gentle yet effective for guys who already have some aches and pains but want to get back to an active lifestyle.

#3: Poor recovery makes you sick, tired, and slow

If you want to live a long and energetic life, health is vital… 20

I know I sound like Captain Obvious, but here’s the deal…

Traditional exercise doesn’t keep you healthyIt actually can make you sick.

After 40 years old, too much exercise creates unnecessary wear and tear on your ligaments, tendons and joints and messes up your T and jacks with your cardiovascular system… 21

Stealing your quality of life.

That’s why you’ll never see me working out for more than 45 minutes at a time. It’s not necessary… 22

Plus, for guys our age, recovery is key. 23

You don’t want to wake up dog-tired and unable to move after overdoing yourself in the gym, right?

Like I mentioned at the beginning of this letter…

Wise men stop exercising like you’re some teen or twenty-something…

Pulverizing your body. Shrinking your immune system. Draining your energy…

Man, it’s like shooting yourself in the foot.

There’s a better way…

That’ll help you recover fast, move great well into your 60s and 70s…

And not have to be a crippled old man depending on others because you busted up your body all these years…

Recovery focused workouts

The combination of functional cardio and abs days plus metabolic strength conditioning conditioning do just enough to get the body burning fat and building muscle quickly… 24

WITHOUT pushing your body over the edge and struggling to recover.

So instead of feeling exhausted after you exercise, you’ll feel clear-headed and energized.25

Plus, these natural chemicals boost blood flow all over your body… including the places it matters to a man most... 26

… while keeping your body feeling fresh… 27

They have even helped men look and feel a decade or two younger.28

It’s crazy that people spend tens of thousands of dollars on Big Pharma injections and procedures in an attempt to beat aging when the truth is…

You already have everything you need inside of you right now…

It’s just a matter of following the right movements and recovery to tap into your natural advantage… and I’ll show you in a minute.

This powerful fitness method goes to work in minutes — fighting back against stubborn fat gain, body aches, muscle loss, and more! 29

It doesn’t matter if you’ve been out of shape for the last 20-30 years… or if you’ve never worked out a day in your life…

If you’re approaching or over 50, this convenient program is what you need to get and stay fit without the gym.

Many men say that it feels like they’ve gently shaved years of ugly fat off their body and gotten their energy back…

They’re even starting to see a younger and more confident man in the mirror each morning.

Look, you may be thinking right now, “What do I care about getting rock hard abs at 50, 60 or 70 years old?”

First, let me say that being able to see your toes again and saying ‘adios’ to those flabby man boobs will not only help you look better. You’ll feel better, too.

Your new flat stomach will boost your confidence in all facets of your life… professionally, socially, intimately, and more.

Trust me, she won’t be able to keep her hands off you. But…

…Getting Rid Of Your Gut Is Not Just About Appearances… It Can Actually Save Your Life!

Did you realize more men die of heart attacks each year than women, about 80% to be exact?

According to the CDC, “Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men in the United States.” 3031

In addition, the risk for heart attack with men increases significantly after the age of 45?

Now that I have your attention…

This is not some random number I pulled out of thin air. This is backed up by some of the most prestigious health institutions in the World.

Even scarier, half of the men that die suddenly from heart attacks had NO SYMPTOMS whatsoever!

That is what I call a ‘gut punch’ statistic! When I first read this, it practically knocked the wind right out of me and made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

Even Harvard Health chimed in stating, “Men face a greater risk of heart disease than women.” 32

That’s because when guys get fat, it tends to be concentrated in their abdomen.

But belly fat isn’t just your standard, everyday, run-of-the-mill fat… it’s what’s known as ‘visceral fat’ or what some doctors call ‘death fat’.

Because ‘death fat’ could grow and expand, twisting and wrapping around your vital organs like a giant python… squeezing them until they become useless and die.

And when you have stubborn belly fat you also run the risk of getting increased cholesterol and blood sugar levels… other critical markers that impact quality and longevity of life.

That’s why getting rid of it once and for all is more than just skin deep.

Guys, it’s not about vanity at this point. It’s about being around for your family and living your best life possible.

So if you have a large belly or BMI (body mass index) outside of the normal range for your age and height, be scared. Be very scared.

This is even more of a reason to make sure you’re doing the RIGHT fat loss plan for YOUR specific age to help ensure you get the best results.

In just days — imagine not looking
or feeling your age anymore… 33

Beginning with the very first workout, you can finally…

Skyrocket t levels

Studies show Metabolic Strength Conditioning increases T-levels in men over 50… which is responsible for helping build muscle, burn fat, feel energetic and keep your partner happy in other ways too.34

Help Burn Fat

Metabolic Strength Conditioning is so effective… researchers are calling it “the best workout for burning fat.” Mainly because this training style forces your body to burn fat for 72-hours after you exercise… so you’ll be able to target stubborn belly, chest and back fat while laying around the house. 35

Build functional strength

Dominate big yard work projects, mowing the lawn, picking up heavy boxes around the house without getting winded… sweep your partner off her feet like the first day of your honeymoon… take on new hobbies and perform like a well-oiled machine with Metabolic Strength Conditioning 36

Increase youth-activating chemicals

Metabolic Strength Conditioning is so effective… researchers are calling it “the best workout for burning fat.” Mainly because this training style forces your body to burn fat for 72-hours after you exercise … so you’ll lose even the most stubborn belly, chest and back fat while laying around the house doing nothing. 37

Surge energy levels

The right kind of exercise won’t drain your body of energy. Instead, it’ll initiate a steady flow of all-day energy. The combination of Metabolic Strength Conditioning and Functional Cardio and Abs increases energy levels and reduces fatigue by 65%. 38

Lubricate joints

Harvard Medical School calls this training style “perfect for joint pain.” Think of your joints like the hinge on a door. If it never moves, it’ll rust. If you swing it open too hard, eventually it’ll bust… but if you gently move it, it’ll last a long time. Plus, if you suffer from arthritis pain, exercise is a proven method to minimize its effects.39

  • Help lower blood sugar levels… 40
  • Help reduce high blood pressure… 41
  • Help repair a busted metabolism… 42
  • Help boost memory and brain health… 43
  • Help strengthen muscles and bones… 44
  • Stimulate the cardiovascular system… 45
  • Increase flexibility… 46
  • And so much more… 47

All from the comfort of your own home!

You can do these exercises while watching T.V. if you want…

And if your kids want to “be like dad” and workout with you, they can probably do some of these moves too.

You won’t need to muster up a ton of willpower either…

Because this program is so easy to fit in your schedule, you can do it without moving anything around on your calendar.

It’s a simple, convenient, yet powerful training method for men approaching or over 50... and will take your body and health to the next level…

Because each exercise gently targets pounds of stubborn fat…48

While helping to skyrocket metabolismfor a leaner look…49

Plus it can boost natural T levels that your partner may have thought you’d never get back… and provide the drive and passion you had as a teen. 50

At the same time…

Helping to build muscle easier for better joints and bones that feel great in the process. 51

All of these elements make this the perfect combination for guys our age who want to get in great shape.

This powerful system is designed to help skyrocket T, target stubborn body fat, give lasting Energy, rock-hard muscle and can make man look and feel20 years younger…5253

In just days imagine having Superman-like confidence that excites your partner, earns respect from your peers, your kids admire, and makes you the thriving man you deserve to be! 54

Here’s exactly how Metabolic Strength Conditioning and functional cardio and abs works inside fit after 50


This first phase is meant to ease your body into its new muscle building environment by stimulating “sensory cells” found in your muscles, tendons and joints. This creates a mind-muscle connection in the body so it functions with ease during your Fit After 50 workouts and in everyday life.

In Phase I, you’ll activate your entire muscular system without overtaxing your body . Plus, you’ll perform functional cardio movements that help increase fat loss and upgrade metabolism so you burn calories around the clock. From the very first routine you can unlock an explosive “teenage-like” muscle building response that provides a youthful punch!555657


As the name implies, this phase is all about building your physique. In this 4-week training block, you can experience a fresh surge of muscle growth and strength that make you feel like a jock again.58

Plus, in Phase II, T-levels will take flight . You’ll feel your passion kick in and your partner will definitely notice. Your muscles will look pumped all day long and your midsection will likely get tighter and more rock hard.596061


Congratulations! You made it through the first two phases of this program— you have impressive new muscle, functional strength, and T is pumping at an exciting rate. Now it’s time to gently kick it up a notch using my “double stimulus” muscle-building and fat-burning technique.

In Phase III, you can see lines in your abs and gain more lean muscle to show off. Plus, you may sleep better, enjoy all-day energy and bulletproof your confidence.626364

The end result— you can feel like a whole new man: with a powerful, lean and high-performing physique…and the best years of your life still ahead of you.6566

The 3-Phase Fit After 50 instructional manual that shows you how to get lean and ripped… This simple guide takes all the guesswork out of fat-burning and revealing a head-turning new physique.

The #1 exercise method ( scientifically proven by researchers at Ball State University) to improve T-levels, fight aging and get hard from head to toe…676869

Beat aging in the cells to look and feel younger from the inside-out! This group of exercises makes cell’s mitochondria create almost 70% more energy… keeping us young, fresh and on the move at any age... 7071

Replace belly fat with rock hard muscle? Each cycle targets even the most stubborn flab and faster than you could ever achieve without it!72

How to upgrade balance, improve posture and tighten the core in 1-week… These simple movements protect joints, tendons and bones and reprogram the body to move smoothly and like a high-powered unit.737475

The #1 mistake most guys make when doing a pushup that keeps their chest weak and small… (you can do everything else right but if you get this one thing wrong you’ll fail to unlock every muscle fiber in your chest.)76

Print & Go training logs that make it easy to keep up with your progress throughout the entire program… (a study from West Virginia University found this tracking method will take your results to the next level.) 77

How to get a lean, defined and strong body without setting foot outside your living room! (This is the most user-friendly program you can get your hands on… and fits easily into even the busiest schedule.) 78

The pain-minimizing exercise method you’ve been waiting for! No heavy weights that crush the back and spine. No long cardio that makes the knees and ankles ache. Just gentle, low-impact movements that transform the body and life.79

Want to burn fat every minute up to 72 hours after training? This one technique can do it, helping the body turn into a nonstop fat burning machine…8081

How to “youthify” the body so it doesn’t suffer from muscle loss or the “old man gut”. (Just activate T with these specific exercises and fight back against decades of aging and fat gain.)8283

The quickest way to a lean midsection and powerful upper body that makes it impossible for her to keep her hands off of you…8485

BETTER THAN BACK SQUATS! Try this exercise that’s more effective for boosting your T more than back squats… but doesn’t leave us riddled with back pain afterwards…86

The single most important rule to remember when training over 50… Get this right and STOP worrying about injuries again… 87

How to activate the mind-muscle connection for faster and better muscle growth… without any extra work than it takes to read this page!88

Struggling with stubborn chest fat? Inside discover joint-friendly chest exercises that help a puffy chest so that it can finally look and feel great when on a sunny beach vacation… 89

The “master key” to unlocking more T (do this each night to get leaner and healthier with ease), the exact muscle-building moves that’ll help changes in the mirror faster, how to stretch THE RIGHT way, why programs like CrossFit and P90X are not for guys over 40, and so much more!90

You get everything inside fit after 50 — plus $178 worth of bonuses absolutely free!

12 Week fit after 50 nutrition plan ( $97 value free)

Over the next 12-weeks of Fit After 50,you’re going to take your body and performance to the next level…

And with the help of this 12-week nutrition plan alongside it, you can achieve a body you likely NEVER dreamed possible at your age.

This helpful guide takes all the guesswork out of the kitchen… and helps melt fat, recharge energy levels, skyrocket T and so much more.9192

Plus, when you eat the scientifically proven “feature foods” clearly listed inside, you can unlock complete health…

And fight serious health complications that most guys face as they get older.9394

Just make this nutrition plan your new go-to and you’ll look and feel like “you 2.0” beginning the very first week.

Inside the 12 week fit after 50 nutrition plan you’ll also get:

  • How to immediately boost GH levels 2000%! I know it sounds too good to be true… but scientific studies back this up (use this one eating hack once a week to upgrade your physique, energy and drive faster than you ever could without it!) 9596
  • The best fatty foods that directly target body fat for good…Eat ONE of these foods every day to help skyrocket that fat-burning ability all day long.9798
  • The BEST foods to eat when it comes to boosting T! (Hint: more red meat and delicious fatty foods and less rabbit food) 99
  • Dump this oil in a cooking pan with chicken and steak and energize cells from the inside out…imagine looking and feeling younger with every dose. 100
  • The special foods that’ll give a surge of stamina and confidence with workouts and other places it matters most…101102
  • Why you should put butter on just about everything if you want to help burn stubborn flab… 103
  • The perfect pre-bed foods that’ll help you burn fat and build muscle while sleep, the WORST oil you can drizzle on a frying pan, the BEST spices you can dump on a slab of steak to get lean faster than ever, the zero-calorie sauce that’ll kickstart metabolism and keep it running for hours, and so much more!104105106107

Fit after 50 exercise illustrations & execution guide ( $81 value free)

Most people in the world are visual learners… which means it’s not enough just to tell you how to do an exercise…

But if you’re going to really get a grip on how to perform each move to perfection, you need to see it done.

That’s why I’ve created the Fit After 50 Exercise Illustrations & Execution Guide…

So you can get a step-by-step visual for how to get the most out of each exercise and help burn fat and build muscle quickly and safely.

Plus, I’ve taken special care to make sure this is a high-quality resource.

It’s clear, colorful, and so paint by numbers simple you won’t scratch your head once flipping through it.

Print it out. Keep it with you while you train. It’s a great resource that you get free on this page.

Know My T-Levels ( $27 VALUE FREE)

This simple at-home guide can help you figure out T level health from home.

Think of it like a “progress chart” for the master male hormone. Just like you will be able to record the progress you’re making with your Fit After 50 workouts from week to week…

This guide will help you keep tabs on t-levels as they go up and up!

With the “Know My T-Levels” free bonus you’ll be able to monitor your progress so you know what routines and foods are helping truly maximize male hormones so you can continue climbing “T” Mountain.

The fit after 50 system plus these free bonuses are the key to help building muscle, burning fat, and getting that mojo back… 108109110

Listen man— your best years don’t have to be behind you…

When you make Fit After 50 yours today, you can give your body and health a full upgrade that can last for decades…and fight back against years of flabby body fat build-up, muscle loss, aches and pains and fatigue. 111 112

Think of how great you’ll feel to be an inspiration to your kids… They’ll be so proud when you take charge of your health and don’t settle for second-best anymore.

And think of how it’ll feel to be like “super-grandpa” to your grandkids. And the feeling you’ll get when they ask you to “flex your muscles”... and they go nuts when you do.

How great will it feel when your partner tells you how HOT it is to see the changes you’ve made…

Or if you’re single, to get heavy attention from women (even women half your age) because you’re the muscular, mature man they’re looking for.

This isn’t some distant dream that doesn’t have a chance of coming true… It’s all at your fingertips right now.

When you follow this program down to the letter… or even just 90%... you can get an amazing, total body transformation in the shortest time possible.

Anyone can do this. I’ve made Fit After 50 that simple…

Just promise me that you’ll stop making excuses that you’re too tired, or too old, or too busy to get the body you desire and deserve.

And listen, I’ll be with you every step of the way when you say YES to Fit After 50 right now. Whatever you need, I’ve got you covered. Whether it’s a question, you need some motivation, or you just want someone to celebrate your progress with you…

Just reach out to me and let me know. Think of me like your “corner man.”

I’ll do whatever it takes to help you win the fight against aging and become the champion of your life.

You can have all this and more when you purchase Fit After 50 today.

And I’m going to give you an amazing deal on the program, too. But first…

I hope you understand…

The reason I’m pushing Fit After 50 exclusively is because other workout programs don’t care about your age…

They’re either too intense for a guys our age… and will make your body self-destruct…

Or they’re too soft and treat you like a geriatric patient…

But I’ve taken special care to make sure Fit After 50 hits the sweet spot where you get the best, fastest and safest results.

And I’m so confident this is the right program for you that I want to make your decision a complete “no brainer” for you today.

That’s why when you purchase Fit After 50 today, I’ll back you up with my 365-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee.

Let's boost T, increase energy, beat belly fat and transform that body — or your money back!


I’m not happy unless you’re happy. I mean that…

And to prove it to you, I’ll back you with my 365-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee when you purchase Fit After 50 today.

I want you to know what it feels like to hit the rewind button on your body and energy levels…

And have more drive and excitement for life than you might’ve had 10, 20, 30+ years ago… because you deserve it.

That’s why I’m pulling out all the stops…

And taking all the risk off your shoulders and putting it on mine.

I’ve made everything so paint by numbers simple that most guys begin to notice improvement within the first 7-10 days…*Results may vary.

Just follow the system like I’m right there with you and if you don’t experience what I’ve guaranteed in the next year, I’ll send you a full refund…

No questions asked or hard feelings. That’s a promise.

The program itself takes 3-months to complete. But the reason I’m giving you a full 12-month guarantee is because I want to give you some cushion…

I know you’re busy guy… it might take you a few days to figure out the best time to train, get your groceries and those kinds of things. So I don’t want you to feel rushed to start the program right away if you can’t…

And I certainly don’t want you to miss the limited time discount that you’ll get when you purchase today.

At the very least, you can buy the program now and try it later…

You have a full year to give it a shot before deciding if you want to keep it.

You have zero-risk and all reward when you order Fit After 50 today. And that’s not all because today I want to give you the deal of the century…

You see, I'm not a rich man…

I've had to work hard for every dime that I have. So I know what it's like to want something so bad that you're ready to jump, but fear and doubt hold you back…

So I don't want finances to be an issue at all…

That's why you won't have to pay $1200 for this like my personal clients did and still do to this day.

In fact, you won't even have to pay $600 for everything… or even $97 which is what I plan on bumping the investment up to in the future…

Instead, today and on this page only, all that i ask is a small, one time investment of $37.

Real Value:


Today's Price:


Yes— I Want To Be Fit After 50!
Add to cart

You have 3 options of where to go from here…


You can keep hoping, wishing and praying things will get better.

You can keep sitting back and let age related weight gain, fatigue, bedroom problems, health complications, and a laundry list of other issues happen to you.

And maybe even spend the rest of your life on the decline.

You may gain more fat around the belly, which increases estrogen levels… and then produces even more fat because of it. 113

"T" levels will plummet… 114

And every passing year you’ll become less of the man you were created to be…

Because men were never designed to have low t levels and a weak body. 115

Your body may hurt more and you’ll actually feel yourself aging. Because your joints and bones can slowly deteriorate. And any muscle you may have can turn to mush. 116117

With all of this comes a lot of mental and emotional issues, too… 118119

You’ll wonder if your spouse is losing interest in you… because in her eyes you’ve lost interest in her… which is why you’ve given up and are letting yourself go.

You’ll feel embarrassed when your kids compare your belly to the fit dad at their school. And bummed when you can’t keep up with your grandkids in the backyard.

And… I hate thinking about this for you… but I have to ask…

Do you really want others to have to take care of you when you get older?

I mean, I know that some parents have this motto that they take care of their kids when the kids are young, and the kids will take care of you when you’re old…

But is that really what you want?

After decades of providing for them and giving them your all, do you want to inconvenience them just because you’ve decided to not take care of yourself?

Listen, I’m willing to bet you don’t… and this option isn’t for you.

You wouldn’t still be here reading this page if you truly believed giving up and letting age happen to you is the best option.


If you take this option, you realize you’re missing out on the perks that come with having better health. And you know you need to do something about it…

But for some reason you decide Fit After 50 isn’t the program for you.

So you try something else…

But the problem is— most training programs out there are too intense for a guys our age. And they’ll cause you to self-destruct from the inside out. I’m not kidding…

“Young guy” programs increase cortisol and estrogen in our body… 120121122

… which causes you to store body fat, suffer with painful inflammation, and puts you at risk of tons of health conditions and bedroom issues.123124

Plus, your T levels plummet…125

which comes with a handful of embarrassing issues that most guys don’t want to talk about. 126

But listen, exercising too hard isn’t the only problem if you take this option…

Because you may try to steer clear of young guy training programs and end up doing a workout program that does little or nothing for you. Sure, it’s activity, which is far better than doing nothing at all…

… but you likely won’t build a body you’re proud of. And you’ll still feel insecure about the way you look. Because…

“Slow-go” exercise won’t help you overcome the years of built-up weight gain and fatigue.

Hey man, if you want to start exercising without Fit After 50, you have my blessing…

But why try a program that might do your body more harm than good?Or try something you aren’t sure will work?

Especially when I’ve given you the scientific facts about why Fit After 50 is the ideal program for you… which leads me to the third and best option.

Boost T, upgrade your physique, increase energy starting now — with fit after 50!127128

Because you’re still reading, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt this is the only option for you…

And you’re in good company. Because this is the choice that thousands of proud men across the country and around the world have made.

Men like you are waking up feeling years younger with more energy than their kids. They’re enjoying a healthy, active life with the strongest body they’ve had since their 20s.

And are getting compliments left and right because of how great they look…

Their kids are beyond proud and can’t stop bragging about how great of shape their dad is in. Their wives love seeing their husbands taking care of themselves…

and can’t keep their eyes and hands off them.

magine how great that feeling will be… when you’re admired by your family and peers… when you’re the center of attention at the beach…

You’ll be confident and in-charge again.

You see, when you’re 20 and in shape, people don’t think much of it. Lot’s of 20 year olds are in shape. But when you’re 50+, muscular and lean, you become a phenomenon to people…

You’re no longer the norm, the typical guy with the dad-bod, or the guy people don’t see.

You’re the attention getter, you stand out amongst the rest, and become the person people want to talk to.

You’re the alpha!

Fit After 50 can do all this and more for you. And it’s so simple, you likely won’t run into any problem making it happen.

All that’s left is to prove to yourself you can do it…

… you can still look good, perform great and live a fantasy life at 50+

I say “fantasy life” because that’s what most guys think having a healthy life, and ripped abs after 50 is… some “out there” dream.

But it’s not. It’s right at your fingertips.

Just click the “add to cart” button below right now and I’ll see you on the other side…

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Mark Mcilyar

P.S. If you want to boost t, energize your body, look and feel years younger without nagging injuries or going to a crowded gym… then what are you waiting for? You’re here for a reason. You want more out of your body and life and it’s time to make that dream a reality. Click or tap here to get started now.

P.P.S. Don’t forget… when you purchase Fit After 50 today, you’re backed by my 365-Day Money Back Guarantee. Which means you have a full year to give this program a shot. If it doesn’t transform your body and life in that time, just let me know and I’ll refund your every penny. You truly have nothing to lose. At the very least, purchase the program now for a limited time discount price and decide if you want to keep it later.

Frequently asked questions


You should begin to feel a difference within 7 days of starting the program. In the first week, you’ll be a little sore, but that’s a good sign! That means your body isn’t used to the stimulus so it’ll be forced to adapt and change.

From there, the workouts will get easier and you can begin to notice improvements in the mirror. You’ll see more muscle. Belly fat may shrink. Strength will go up and you’ll enjoy more energy without a crash.


Yes! It’s not only safe for a guy over 50, but it’s specifically created for men over 50.

Fit After 50 is a complete system designed to help boost t levels, build muscle, burn fat, increase energy levels and reclaim a fit and athletic body. And you can rest assured, not only will you stay away from dangerous weights, but each workout protects and lubricates your joints. Fit After 50 is safe, effective and without the unnecessary pain.


Absolutely. I recommend this program for men 40+ who don’t have time for the gym but want to get in great shape. Follow this plan and you’ll be better off than a lot of guys your age by the time you’re in your 50s and 60s. Less joint pain. Higher t levels. More muscle, less fat. And it’s very rare to get an injury on this program. So yea, if you’re not 50 yet, this program is still a great program for you and will give you awesome results from home.


That’s up to you. Plain and simple. The more put in, the more results you’ll see. If you do everything I say starting right now when you click the add to cart button, you can see changes within the first few days.


Again, this one’s up to you. The more effort you give, the more results you’ll see.

Now, once you’re done with Fit After 50, you can still follow the workouts and principles to make sure your results stay forever. You can’t just workout for three months and then forget about taking care of your body. But after Fit After 50, it’ll be less work and easy to maintain the results you get.


No you don’t. This is an at-home training solution, meaning you won’t have to set foot in a gym to do it. All you need is a set of dumbbells and/or bands and of course, your bodyweight. We also have dozens of substitution exercises to help you along no matter how “minimalist” you go.


What makes Fit After 50 so unique is the double combination of Metabolic Strength Conditioning and Functional Cardio/Abs, which uses simple but powerful movements to stimulate muscle growth and enhance male hormones without putting unnecessary strain on bones and joints.

They also increase metabolism and keep it running for 72-hours, nonstop so fat-burning is around the clock without missing a single second… which makes it easier than ever to get the body you crave.


Yes it will. In fact, if you're very overweight, the principles you'll learn inside are perfect because we're not doing anything extreme to get you the results you desire. And once you lose all the weight and build some muscle, you can keep your transformation for life. I’ll help you get there.


Yes of course it’s real. You have 365 days to try it risk free.

The program itself is only 3 months long. But I wanted to give you plenty of extra cushion to go through the program under my guarantee… so even if you can’t start right away, you don’t feel like you’re under the gun.

My recommendation? If you can start the program right away, do it. If you can’t, then purchase Fit After 50 now so you get it at the limited-time price, and try it out whenever is best for you within the year. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain when you purchase the program today.


You don’t have to “like” exercise to get started. But yes, you will have to workout to see results.

And no, you won’t have to become a gym rat when you follow this program. Just a few short workouts like the ones inside is all you need. I’ve created this to be an at-home workout program so you don’t have to worry about the things you hate about going to a gym.

Instead, you can transform your body without anyone watching. Plus, if training in front of the television, or with your kids at your side helps you to enjoy it more, do that. This is your program.

What You Get Inside Fit After 50

  • The entire Fit after 50 system including Phase 1: Burn, Phase 2:Build, Phase 3: Sculpt
  • 3 free bonus reports valued at $178! Including: 12 Week Fit After 50 Nutrition Plan, Fit After 50 Exercise Illustrations, Know My T-Levels
  • Unprecedented 365 100% Money Back Guarantee
  • Unlimited access to our exclusive member’s online support group
  • Dedicated customer assistance 24/7
  • All for today’s limited special rate of $37!

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